Sunday, July 31, 2011

Bentar lagi mo puasa

ehh gak kerasa bentar lagi mau puasa, jadi gak boleh lupa baca quran soalnya kan target nya 1 kali khatam (0_0). trus yaaa niatnya mo beberapa kali ke masjid sich buat dengerin khotbah tapi paling cuma 1,2 atau 4 kali. btw klo puasa kantin di Labsky buka gak ya (:P)

Saturday, July 30, 2011


(Ps:Gw gak tau ini game atau Komunitas jd liat aja sampe 1 agustus biar gw reviw)
ehh ada intel baru ttg game online berbasiskan Word sepertinya(word = ngetik doangz) tentang Hogwarts Hogsmeade dan sebagai nya gw belom liat sih tapi dari data yg gw liatin itu word game atau Simulation kyk The sims
klo mau liat lbh lanjut liat aja ke sini:

Friday, July 29, 2011


ahh akhirnya KALAM"kajianIslamRamadhan" selesai juga walaupun aku baru hafal 30 asmaul husna dan belum hafal doa sesudah shalat tetap berusaha pas ramadhan :D

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


eww nanti ada KALAM2011, masa harus ngafalin asmaul husna kan susah (secara teknis ngehafalin semuanya itu sgt susah bgt) terush harus ngafalin surat pendek dan doa doa habis solat, yaah tapi klo kakak kelas bisa kenapa kita gak bisa ?
walaupun terdengar cukup EXTREM tetap harus dicoba

Monday, July 25, 2011

Green Lantern

Plot nya:

Millions of years before the Earth was formed, a group of beings called the Guardians of the Universe used the green essence of willpower to create an intergalactic police force called the Green Lantern Corps. They split the universe into 3,600 sectors, with one Green Lantern per sector. One such Green Lantern, Abin Sur (Temuera Morrison) of Sector 2814, defeated the fear-essence being Parallax (voiced by Clancy Brown) and imprisoned him in the Lost Sector on the ruined planet Ryut. However, in the present day, Parallax escapes from his prison. Six months later, after killing four Green Lanterns and destroying two planets, Parallax attacks Sector 2814 and mortally wounds Abin Sur, who escapes and crash-lands on Earth. The dying Abin Sur commands his ring to find a worthy successor on the planet.

Ferris Aircraft test pilot Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is chosen by the ring and transported to the crash site, where Abin Sur appoints him a Green Lantern, by telling him to take the lantern and speak the oath. At home he says the oath of the Green Lanterns while under trance from the glow of the lantern. After he gets attacked while leaving a bar Jordan swings to punch one of his attackers, letting out a huge fist of green energy, afterwards Jordan is whisked away to the Green Lantern Corps home planet of Oa, where he meets and trains with Tomar-Re (voiced by Geoffrey Rush) and Kilowog (voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan). He encounters Corps leader Sinestro (Mark Strong), who is not pleased that a human—which is primitive compared to other species—has become a Green Lantern. With Sinestro seeing him as unfit and fearful, Jordan quits and returns to Earth, keeping the power ring and lantern.

Meanwhile, after being summoned by his father Senator Robert Hammond (Tim Robbins) to a secret government facility, scientist Hector Hammond (Peter Sarsgaard) performs an autopsy on Abin Sur's body. A piece of Parallax inside the corpse inserts itself inside Hammond, mutating the scientist and giving him telepathy and telekinetic powers, at the cost of his sanity. After discovering that he was only chosen due to his father's influence, Hammond resentfully attempts to kill his father by telekinetically sabotaging his helicopter at a party. However, Jordan uses his ring to save the senator and the party guests—including his childhood sweetheart, Ferris manager and fellow test pilot Carol Ferris (Blake Lively), who later recognizes Jordan under the suit and mask. Shortly afterward, Jordan encounters Hammond, who succeeds in his second attempt to kill his father by burning him alive. Both Jordan and Hammond realize Parallax is on his way to Earth.

Back on Oa, the Guardians tell Sinestro that Parallax was once one of their own, until he desired to control the yellow essence of fear, only to become the embodiment of fear itself. Believing the only means to fight fear is by fear itself, Sinestro requests for the Guardians to forge a ring of the same yellow power, preparing to concede Earth's destruction to Parallax in order to protect Oa. However, Jordan appears and tells Sinestro not to use the yellow ring and for the Corps to help him protect his planet from Parallax's imminent invasion. They deny his request, but allow Jordan to return and protect his home planet.

Upon returning to Earth, Jordan saves Ferris from being injected with Parallax's essence by Hammond. Parallax then arrives, consuming Hector's life force for failing to kill Jordan, and then wreaking havoc on Coast City. Jordan lures Parallax away from Earth and toward the Sun, using the Sun's gravity to pull and disintegrate the entity. He loses consciousness after the battle, but is saved by Sinestro, Kilowog and Tomar-Re before the entire Green Lantern Corps congratulates him for his bravery. Sinestro tells Jordan he now bears the responsibility of protecting his sector as a Green Lantern. Sometime later when he is alone, Sinestro, still in possession of the yellow ring, places it on his finger, causing his green suit to change to yellow.

"ehh sorry klo pke bhs inggris nie CoPas dari wikipedia"

dari wikipedia Parallax rebirth.jpgparralax

green lantern's Hal Jordan

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camo NET

hehehe gw baru beli camo net buat marder gw Btw camo net tuh sgt efektif buat nyembunyiin tank kita klo gk ada bush atau cover yg lain nya
bisa mengurangi chance utk terdeteksi sampai 25% !! hebat gak sech ??
klo mo liat keterangan lebih lanjut cek ke sini :

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Miscellaneous<- FAn ARTS

keren kan? w dapet dari WOT website

Read full article"Tank prancis mau dimasukin !!"

PS:Vehicle gw masih MarderII jd gw masih No0B

Friday, July 22, 2011

World Of tanks IMAGE Und VIDEO

(ps; klo mo liat semuanya cek ke sini aja:

kan belum pas klo belom ngeliat gambar gambar dan video tank yg sedang beraksi "Check It OUT"

<--- nih Panzerjager38(hetzer) Vs IS {yg maus yg abu abu yg IS yg hijau})

KV-2 yg terkenal akan ketahanan nya terhadap peluru kalau pake tank ini gampang dapet (steel wall)Achievements

"Leicherttraktor atau "LOLtrakttor" karena peluru nya kurang mempunyai daya penetrasi (Ltrakttor itu T1 jadi wajar payah klo dibandingin MS-1 ama T1 "chuningham" menang Ltrakttor) tiger in action)

Pzkpwf VI tiger di dunia nyata Tank ini keren abis tapi di WOT jelek bagusan "koenigstiger" atau kingtiger daripada ini walaupun tier nya beda (Kalau Gak salah ini Premiumtank jerman "LOWE" dibacanya Love

ini tank Cepet dari Soviet yang paling ak sebelin klo make Tankdestroyer (kecuali amerika soalnya ada turret nya)
soalnya lari nya cepet trus armor nya lumayan curang bgt kan !

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

World of TANKS HelpFULL links

hee udah ngeliat kan tank tank nya klo belum liat aja di sini Tankopedia
atauMain Page - World Of Tanks nah keren gak ?? kalo masih gak puas coba aja berdiskusi tentang tank tank favoritmu di World of Tanks official forum

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


hehe nih game baru dari wargaming, tentang tank tank tempur era PD2-perang dingin
ada macam macam yang terkenal sih :


M4 sherman
M3 Lee
t1 chunningham
M2 medium
M7 priest

Dan Lain-Lain

Monday, July 18, 2011

Labschool "MOS"

biasanya di mata orang banyak "MOS" itu menyeramkan, kakak kakak nya galak dan gak bisa toleransi dan juga disuruh melakukan sesuatu yg aneh/Malu Maluin kyk ngambil ttd dari semua guru OB & Satpam Dsb. klo di Labschool "LabsFRESHschoolday" tuh di suruh mimpin nyanyi, doa, dan mimpin makan, ehh katanya sih agar biasa ngomong di depan jadi gk malu (lol) (XD) tapi emang bener lama lama jadi gak malu malu amet (hehehehe). trus OSIS/MPK nya enak enak
ada juga sech yang marah marah (emang udah tugasnya kalee jadi klo dimarahin dah terbiasa) ,
trus HUMAS nya enak bisa alay alay'an & ketawa ketawa Gk jelas bareng bareng biar suasana nya tenang setelah BN(bela negara *klo gak salah) nya marah marah, soo menurut gw fun fun aja asal gak ada atribut yg ketinggalan (Hehehehehehe)

<(0_0)> <(0_0<) <(0_0)> (>0_0)> <(0_0)> *kirby dance*